Teaching PE can be Easy!
A "View & Play" physical education program created by coaches who care.
Story of the week : Chicago Teacher
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A "View & Play" physical education program created by coaches who care.
Story of the week : Chicago Teacher
PE 4 Kids Now is a physical education program of games and activities in video format. PE 4 Kids makes it extremely easy for the classroom teacher to provide quality physical education for all students.
Thank you to all the teachers!! You make a difference in the lives of your students!
Highlighted character trait, Story message, discussion questions
Chicago Teacher (docx)
DownloadCheck out this great video highlighting our PE games and activities!
All children can lead healthy lifestyles!
PE 4 Kids Now exists to
Rising levels of overweight and obese children and decreasing levels of fitness, coupled with the elimination of Physical Education Specialists at the Elementary level were the factors that contributed to the formation of the PE 4 Kids Now program. It was evident that teachers needed an easy solution to incorporate more movement and more PE minutes for their students. The unique ideas were put together and the program became a reality in 2010. The incredibly positive feedback propelled the project to move forward with ideas, funding and cooperation with the Napa Valley Unified School District. PE 4 Kids Now became incorporated and the IRS granted the corporation a nonprofit 501(c)(3) status.
. The program continues to expand to both elementary schools and after school programs throughout Napa County, Solano County and the State the California.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the health of students. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
You or your corporation could be a part of our mission to make a difference!
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If you have questions about the opportunities available to you with our PE program, feel free to send us a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.